Idea Behind EDU

Universities are the highest seats of learning that come about through an effective and prudently designed academic and curricular combined with an agreement to achieving research excellence. The hallmark view about the academic profession since its inception has been that human knowledge is a never-ending pursuit of the truth; that there is no humanly accessible truth that is not in principle open to challenge; and that no party, ruler or intellectual faction can be assumed to have a monopoly or absolute control on wisdom. Therefore, learning is most likely to thrive in an environment of intellectual diversity that protects and fosters independence of thought and speech leading to the enrichment of individuals and society.

Based on the principle of academic freedom, EDU opens its doors to those young scholars of the 21st century who will be ready to provide leadership to the society, the nation as well as the global community at large. As a dynamic, socially inclusive, and not-for-profit and independent private institution, EDU is dedicated to offering high-quality educational programs and preparing students for lifelong learning, and leadership roles by attaining excellence in curriculum, faculties, research, facilities and job placements. And being aware of the current tendency of students to go abroad seeking quality education, this institution is conveniently located at the heart of the port city of Chittagong which is also the commercial capital of Bangladesh.

East Delta University offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The University is approved by the Government of Bangladesh as well the Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) under the Private University Act of Bangladesh. It is governed by the Chittagong Foundation, an independent and non-partisan social organization.

EDU invites highly motivated students to come and join an excellent environment of learning.

Join us and you can be part of an institution that has an ongoing and dynamic commitment towards

 “Advancing Knowledge, Enriching Lives”


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